
Beesiam Memfis Belle, our beautiful Belle, chocolate point siamese and the cat that really started my love of breeding.Sadly BELLE died at an early age but gave us four litters of wonderful siamese. Pictured below are some of her offspring that are still with us in the family home. In loving memory 
 |  | Belles daughter Ferngully Kristel Katie, blue point siamese, seen here with her litter of three blue points. 
Belles grandaughter Ferngully Jessicas Song a lilac point siamese, daughter of Kristel and Sonny. She is just 6 months of age and a little pickle! 
Our totally hand-reared oriental Ferngully Felicity a caramel spotted tortie tabby,seen here at 10months old proving that it can be done with love and patience and lots of luck. Felicity lives with a lovely family a few miles from us and shares her home with three other siamese. 
One of Nala`s sons Ferngully Alvin a cinnamon point siamese, one of four beautiful kittens, sired by Anne Cox`s stud boy Merescliff Despard (Danny to his friends). 
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Ferngully Jake, Belles handsome chocolate point son, playing uncle to one of our kittens Ferngully Sugar&Spice. She now lives in Cyprus with a friend of ours. 
Our Brown Burmese Lavinshy Ferngully Fleur at five months old. Fleur is now a grown up lady and has produced our first litter of Tonkinese (first generation) having been mated to our siamese stud Caspur. 
Our Bengal NIKITA a wonderful blue-eyed brown spotted snow. Recently given birth to two dear little snow babies, see them on the kittens page. 
Adourable Nala (Merescliff Byrna) our beautiful cinnamon oriental,the feline female Peter Pan at 4 years old still a kitten in every way. Mother of several stunning kittens including Ferngully Lucifer (see in loving memory). Nala herself was on the show bench as a kitten and won many first prizes , she retired to become a mum.She is the bravest cat in our household and once reared a litter of 6 kittens whilst nursing a broken leg, she never complained once. We love her to bits!!
In loving memory 
Our little Jasmine seen here as a babe. She is a seal point siamese and has now just turned 18months old. She is expecting her first litter of kittens very soon, WATCH THIS SPACE. 
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SHANTOGA FERNGULLY FABIAN , SOPPY old lap cat !! Everybody loves him and wants to take him home. Fabian is a cream point siamese and was our first stud boy and show boy. He was kindly sold to us by Anne of Shantoga fame. He didnt like being a stud cat much although he did sire several wonderful litters. Unfortunatly we had him neutered before he became champion (having 2 C.C.`S under his belt), we got a lot of grief for this!!!! But he is happiest being a house cat where he practises the art of loafing, bless him! 
Tia (Lavinshy Dragons Kiss) And doesnt her name suit her, she is The Cat With Attitude, but we love her! Tia is a blue oriental female, extremely elegant and very long in body. She is undoubtably our no 1 queen and has produced many wonderful litters of kittens over the past years, several of her offspring have gone on to the show bench .Tia is the boss cat at here at home. She will be retiring from her motherhood duties very soon to become another of our layabouts. 
We hope you enjoyed looking at these pictures in this album,we couldn`t show all the cats that we have owned or bred,but their are more pictures on some of the other pages. We will update this page from time to time. All of our cats are pets first and breeding or show cats second,we cannot imagine life without our feline family,it is hard work but oh so rewarding. Nina and Tim short. |